October 25, 2017
Hooray for Giving! Record-Breaking Funding at BCF
From the bottom of our hearts, the Branford Community Foundation (BCF) wants to thank you! Because of your support and generous donations, we’ve been able to give more money than ever before—$111,190 for 2017!
With your help, the BCF has reached an all-time-high in funding for numerous community causes and needs, from feeding the hungry to preserving civic landmarks, for a grand total of 16 grants this year! This significant growth is the result of several important factors, including an increase in grant requests, diligent planning, and a prudent fiscal approach.
Here’s a detailed list of our 2017 beneficiaries to date:
- Shoreline Trolley Museum—$850 to repair damage to the compressor of car #865 from Hurricane Sandy, and leverage FEMA funding.
- Camp Hazen—$1,000 in financial assistance for Branford campers to attend camp.
Daniel Cosgrove Animal Camp—$1,000 to provide educational guests for campers and to support scholarships for Branford children to attend.
- Shoreline Arts Alliance—$1,000 to support the free presentation of live theater to the shoreline community.
- St. Mary School Junior Fife & Drum—$1,000 for new uniforms and instruments for the only youth fife-and-drum program on the shoreline.
- Project Graduation—$1,150 to support a safe gun- and substance-free event for graduating seniors of Branford High School on the night of graduation.
- Special Olympics Connecticut—$2,000 to help purchase uniforms for the newly merged “Central Shoreline” team.
- East Shore Regional Health Department—$2,500 to support the first fully electric, solar-powered pump-out boat.
- Orchard House—$2,500 to support guided art therapy sessions for seniors.
- The Child Development Center of the First Congregational Church—$3,000 to help complete community playground renovations.
- Branford High School Choral Program—$3,500 for the “Peace Project” initiative, which culminated in a concert at Yale’s Woolsey Hall.
- Clifford Beers Guidance Clinic—$5,000 for intensive case management services to children and families living in Branford who are experiencing behavioral health disorders.
- Community Dining Room—$5,000 to support daily lunch, Saturday breakfast, Tuesday family dinner, Wednesday take-out dinner, and home-delivery services.
- Branford High School Scholarships—$19,500 to 13 Branford High School graduates pursuing higher education.
- Volunteer Services Center—$22,900 toward renovations for the Community Dining Room, including storage space for the Clothing Bank and dining area.
- James Blackstone Memorial Library Capital Campaign—$100,000 over four years to encourage smaller donations from community members to support their critical renovation.
We are truly humbled and privileged to serve the Branford community. We celebrate our record-breaking level of community investment by honoring you, our amazing supporters. We couldn’t do what we do without you!
For more information, please call BCF at 203.444.4898 or click here to join our email list.