Foundation News
June 17, 2014
Youth Advisory Group Awards $6,000 in 2014
In April, YAG made grant awards to the following 6 local organizations:
- $1,750 to Guilford Social Services for their back to school program
- $1,500 to Women & Family Life Center for “Safe Search”
- $1,000 to the Guilford Free Library for software for 3D printing
- $1,000 to Shoreline Arts Alliance for Shakespearean Summer Camp for youth
- $500 to Guilford High School’s Apple Pi Robotics for a new robot
- $250 to Guilford Art Center for GHS field trips
The GF Board of Directors was impressed by the group’s energetic fundraising and thoughtful deliberation of the grant applications. YAG continues to exceed expectations around the promotion and development of youth philanthropy. Kudos to Allen Jacobs and Patricia DeChiara for their volunteer guidance of these students.