Dear Treasured Friend,

Thank you for proving—once again—that our supporters love our Branford community. You are generous, caring, and compassionate.

Your gifts to the Branford Community Foundation over the years have been a critical source of support across our town, from mental health services to theater productions on the Green to uniforms for participants in Special Olympics.

The needs that emerged suddenly and urgently in 2020 were vast—and have lasted longer than any of us anticipated. When we first put out a call for help, your generosity was swift and breathtaking.

In 2021, despite having done so much in 2020, you did it again. You went above and beyond, and we had our second largest year in contributions—second only to 2020. We were amazed, and it allowed us to continue our work to help the community.

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to continue our efforts to assist those Branford residents who were hardest hit by the COVID19 pandemic. We were able to prioritize basic needs (including food, shelter, and emergency financial services), mental health services, and youth services.

We are so grateful for you, our caring Branford neighbors. We hope the stories that follow in the Branford Community Foundation 2023 Impact Report give you a sense of just how profound your impact has been on the Branford community during the last year.


Liza Janssen Petra, Executive Director
Heather Hackley, Board President


Branford Community Foundation 2022 Impact Report


"You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." - ralph waldo emerson